365 Days and a Wake-Up.
A Storm in Afghanistan.
Ace of Spades.
Afghanistan Without a Clue, Cpt. Traversa.
America Supports You.
American Ranger, Army Sgt. 1st Class Chuck Grist.
American Soldier.
Armies of Liberation, Jane.
Army Times.
Atlas Shrugs.
Big Dog's Blog.
Bill and Bob's Excellent Afghan Adventure, excellent writer!
The Bos'un Locker.
Burkean Reflections.
Cao's Blog.
Captain's Quarters.
Chaotic Synaptic Activity.
Counter-Terrorism Blog, Professionals.
Crazy Politico's Rantings, Bob.
Debbie Schlussel.
Defend America.
Defend the Defenders.

DefenseLink.mil - Heroes.
DefenseLink.mil - Why We Serve.
Desert Smink.
Douglas Farah, CT Blog, COIN Expert.
Dubious Maxims, William.
DVIDSHub News & Photos.
Eagles UP.
Elmer's Brother.
Euphoric Reality, Kit.
Flopping Aces.
Free the Film.net, terrorists and free speech.
Freedom is not Free.
Freedom's Watch.
From My Position...On the Way!, Chuck.
Gateway Pundit.
Gathering of Eagles, Vets, Active Duty, Americans.
Gazing at the Flag, Flag Gazer.
Gregg's Notes and his wife Two Blue Lines. Please pray for Greg to be healed from his cancer, and pray for his wife to remain strong and comforted. Please visit them. Thank you.
Grouchy Media.
Honor Mike Spann, Parents of murdered Mike Spann in Afghanistan, 11/25/2001.
Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA).
Iraq the Model, Iraqi blog, Omar and Mohammed.
Iraq War News.
JB's Sanctuary.
Jihad Watch.
Joint Forces Command.

Line in the Sand.
Long Range.
Lumberjack in a Desert, at Walter Reid.
Madison Magazine, Uncle Jimbo.
Matt Sanchez in Afghanistan, Citizen Journalist.
Michael Yon Online.
MilBlogging, JP. Come on, join!
Mudville Gazette, GreyHawk.
My War Stories.
Old War Dogs, Bill F.
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Outside The Wire.
****Partamian Report****.
Pat Dollard: He has produced a war-time series that you will not be ashamed to watch Pundit Review will have the dates and station when Pat is able to release this information. Go check it out. This dude is fantastic. He actually went to Iraq, instead of just talking about it. Read some of the articles he's written. Have fun!
Pirate's Cove.
PUNJAB: The Land of Five Rivers, ME.
Pure Randomness.
Rantburg, War on Terror.
Roger L. Simon.
Rusted Sky, J.
Sgt Lizzie.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum, 2Lt. R. Currie.
Small Town Veterans, Bill F.
Social Sense, Mustang.
Soldiers Angles-Go
here and adopt a Soldier, Marine, Airman, NG, Navy, etc!
Soldiers' Angels-Holly Aho..
Steve's Hodgepodge.

Stop Blog Censorship! Want this badge?
StormWarning's Counter-Terrorism.

Tel-Chai Nation.
Terrorism Unveiled.
The Countervailing Force, CoRev.
The Daily Brief.

The Destroyermen, GO NAVY! Photo: Property of the US Navy.
The Fourth Rail, Journalist who actually goes into Iraq and Afghanistan to get the truth.
The Foxhole, SFC Mac.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
The Jamestown Foundation, Global Terrorism Analysis.
The Jester's Axe, The, Deebow.
The Long War Journal.
The Online Chaplain.
The QandO.
The Terror Wonk. Can also be found at the Counter-Terrorism Blog.
The Warren.
They Have Names, CJ.

ThinkingRight, Jim.
This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here, Jonn. Also at Talon.
ThreatsWatch, (Used to be The Word Unheard.)
Truth-Pain Emporium.
Veteran-American Voices, Rurik.
Vets for Freedom.
Victory Caucus, JOIN.
View my Milblogging.com. profile.
Winds of Change.
The Yankee Sailor, NAVY!
Yid with Lid.
Yoni the Blogger.
YouTube Subscriptions:
Blackfive's YouTube Channel.
MNF-I Videos: YouTube.
Uncle Jimbo's YouTube Subscription!
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